Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes
SailfishFunctionChecker Class Referenceabstract
Inheritance diagram for SailfishFunctionChecker:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for SailfishFunctionChecker:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 SailfishFunctionChecker (SailfishChecker *P, Function *F)
virtual void run ()=0
virtual void handleException ()
virtual void storeSummary (SummaryBase *)=0

Protected Member Functions

void downstreamSearch (const SEGNodeBase *CurrentNode, const SEGNodeBase *PreviousNode, Vulnerability::ValueSitePairType Src, unsigned InlineDepth)
void search (const SEGNodeBase *CurrentNode, const SEGNodeBase *PreviousNode, Vulnerability::ValueSitePairType Src, unsigned InlineDepth)
void matchFormalActual (SummaryBase *Smry, const SEGCallSite *CS, std::unordered_map< std::string, SMTExpr > &)
 Add constraints: "formal == actual".
bool inlineReturnSymbolicSummary (const SEGCallSiteOutputNode *Symbol)
bool inlineReturnSymbolicSummary (Vulnerability::ValueSitePairType Src)
void inlineCalleeSummaryStartWithParam (const SEGCallSite *CS, TraceSummary *Smry, Vulnerability::ValueSitePairType Src, const SEGOperandNode *ActualNode, unsigned InlineDepth, int Case=0)
void inlineCalleeSummaryEndWithReturn (const SEGCallSite *CS, TraceSummary *Smry, const SEGCallSiteOutputNode *CallSiteOutput, Vulnerability::ValueSitePairType Src, unsigned InlineDepth, int Case=0)
bool canReport (Vulnerability::ValueSitePairType Src) const
int checkUseSite (const SEGOperandNode *Node, const SEGSiteBase *UseSite, std::unordered_map< const BasicBlock *, SMTSolver::SMTResultType > &, bool UpdateCache)
void processUseSite (Vulnerability::ValueSitePairType Src, const SEGOperandNode *Node, const SEGSiteBase *UseSite, Vulnerability::SiteType USTy, unsigned InlineDepth)
 It processes use sites according to the type of use sites.
template<class TraceSummaryType >
TraceSummaryType * createTraceSummary (SMTExprVec Constraints, std::shared_ptr< VulnerabilityTrace > Trace, const std::unordered_set< const SEGArgumentNode * > *Inputs, unsigned InlineDepth)
void collectVarMapping (const std::vector< SummaryCacheItem > &ConstraintsCache, std::string Suffix, std::unordered_map< std::string, SMTExpr > &VariableMapping)
void addCachedConstraintsToSummary (SummaryBase *S)
 Add the cached constraints to build summary.
void tryReport (std::shared_ptr< VulnerabilityTrace > Trace, unsigned Depth)

Protected Attributes

 the parent checker
Function * F
 current function
 the summary of this function
const DomTree * DT
 dom tree and post-dom tree
const DomTree * PDT
const SymbolicExprGraphSEG
 the symbolic expr graph IR
SMTFactory ConstraintFactory
 the factory to create constraints
Timer * TimeChecker
std::shared_ptr< VulnerabilityTSV
 The vulnerability instance.
std::map< const SEGSiteBase *, std::set< const SEGOperandNode * > > Sources
 Taint sources.

Member Function Documentation

◆ checkUseSite()

int SailfishFunctionChecker::checkUseSite ( const SEGOperandNode Node,
const SEGSiteBase UseSite,
std::unordered_map< const BasicBlock *, SMTSolver::SMTResultType > &  BlockResultMap,
bool  UpdateCache 

This function is to process a use site of a node w.r.t. the vulnerability type.

◆ collectVarMapping()

void SailfishFunctionChecker::collectVarMapping ( const std::vector< SummaryCacheItem > &  ConstraintsCache,
std::string  Suffix,
std::unordered_map< std::string, SMTExpr > &  VariableMapping 

Collect the variable mapping from the targeting cached constraints cache, for generating complete variable mapping for matching formal and actual arguments when inlining summaries

◆ downstreamSearch()

void SailfishFunctionChecker::downstreamSearch ( const SEGNodeBase CurrentNode,
const SEGNodeBase PreviousNode,
Vulnerability::ValueSitePairType  Src,
unsigned  InlineDepth 

Search the SEG along with value flows in a depth-first order.

CurrentNode is the node that is visiting; PreviousNode is the node visited before; Src is where we start searching in current function; InlineDepth indicates the inline depth for the trace built during the search.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ inlineCalleeSummaryEndWithReturn()

void SailfishFunctionChecker::inlineCalleeSummaryEndWithReturn ( const SEGCallSite CS,
TraceSummary *  Smry,
const SEGCallSiteOutputNode CallSiteOutput,
Vulnerability::ValueSitePairType  Src,
unsigned  InlineDepth,
int  Case = 0 

Inline the output summary Smry at call site CS. The source of current trace is Src. The current inline depth is InlineDepth. Case = 0: Search from input to output Case = 1: Search from output to input

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ inlineCalleeSummaryStartWithParam()

void SailfishFunctionChecker::inlineCalleeSummaryStartWithParam ( const SEGCallSite CS,
TraceSummary *  Smry,
Vulnerability::ValueSitePairType  Src,
const SEGOperandNode ActualNode,
unsigned  InlineDepth,
int  Case = 0 

Inline the input summary Smry at call site CS. The source node of current trace is SrcNode. The current inline depth is InlineDepth. Case = 0: A tainted pointer reach a call site that has an input summary. It may report a bug. Case = 1: Inlining the taint source wrapper, then it starts to search from the call site of the wrapper function. Case = 2: Searching from an argument and reaching a call site that is a taint source (or source wrapper), thereby producing a source wrapper summary.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ inlineReturnSymbolicSummary()

bool SailfishFunctionChecker::inlineReturnSymbolicSummary ( const SEGCallSiteOutputNode Symbol)

Inline the symbolic summary of Symbol, which should be a CallSiteOutputNode. Where, the index of a basic block, indicates the basic block where we decide to inline the symbolic summary.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ search()

void SailfishFunctionChecker::search ( const SEGNodeBase CurrentNode,
const SEGNodeBase PreviousNode,
Vulnerability::ValueSitePairType  Src,
unsigned  InlineDepth 

This is a bi-direction search: it first searches the SEG in a reverse direction of value flows in a depth-first order (upstream searching). Whenever visiting a node, it will continue the downstream searching from the node by calling downstreamSearch(...)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Field Documentation

◆ StateBuilder

SailfishStateBuilder* SailfishFunctionChecker::StateBuilder

A stack-based state recorder that records useful information during the depth-first search on SEG Not only does it records info, we can also use it to generate/record/check constraints and does other jobs according to the recorded info.

◆ TimeChecker

Timer* SailfishFunctionChecker::TimeChecker

This is to record the time executed by the function checker in case it is timeout.

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